A Word About Progress Reports From Our Bid Chair

Greetings from the Chair’s desk,

So it is important to me and the committee that we clearly communicate before our vote about what we are doing with our progress reports.

In the modern world, many people get their information now online or electronically by email, and conventions send out a huge amount of information using social media such as Twitter and Facebook, as well as websites such as our big website.

One of the ways that conventions have informed members of news, and ongoing progress has been paper progress reports sent to people by mail, and I loved these as a method of information when I started going to cons but have found that in more recent times, well for some time now, I do not read them when they arrive, as I have already devoured them as a PDF online the moment they popped into my inbox.

Indeed when our team looked around, we found that many just do not find the posted hard copy necessary. We exist by the collaborative good will of everyone coming and paying their membership, and running a viable and enjoyable convention is a priority. We have to be smart and prudent, meet all our bills and have a great celebration.

So what should we do about our progress reports?

I note that for some people this is an access issue, and therefore, we will be having hard copy’s available for anyone who selects them as an access issue. To be clear, Progress Reports are complimentary and we’d like to send them to anyone who needs them for an access issue.
Just tick the box please.

We will be sending them out electronically of course if you allow us to.

I noted that some people still liked them, as a historical document or just because they enjoy reading hard copy, and that is very cool, and the Dublin 2019 team will be making sure that anyone who wants a hard copy progress report can get one. There will be a charge of €10 Ten Euro for this.

I hope all of you are OK with this decision and support us in it.

This does not affect our plans for our Souvenir book which we plan to offer in hard copy to all members, full and supporting, and which we are happy to mail to anyone who doesn’t pick it up at con.

Our Reg team, Members and Staff Services team and Promotions, Publications and Press team are committed to delivering on this.

Best as ever,

