Irish Fiction Friday: Liz Bourke and Celtic Fantasy, a terrific site for all things science fiction and fantasy, recently asked Irish blogger and journalist Liz Bourke to tackle the topic of “Celtic fantasy,” which she did beautifully.

IanMcDonaldThere are many ways she could have tackled the topic, and she does it in style. If you haven’t read her piece, there’s no better chance to find out more about what Celtic fantasy is and what it means.

In her blog post, Liz says, “My response to “Celtic fantasy” is tied up in a difficult knot connected to negotiating my own identity as Irish, and how I find space for myself in my own country and its history of language erasure and suppression of difference and layers of colonisation.” Read the entire piece posted at


Liz Bourke is a cranky person who reads books. She has recently completed a doctoral dissertation in Classics at Trinity College, Dublin. Find her at her blog. Or her Twitter.
