Programme Tech FAQ v0.9 – 26 July 2019
Programme participants have many questions about their tech requirements. We answer some of the most basic ones, and even some of the more esoteric ones. We expect to update this with more information based upon questions that we receive.
What should I bring?
We prefer if you bring your presentation on your laptop with cables.
Next best is bringing your presentation on a USB Drive.
Do you have projectors?
All of our rooms have projectors.
What kind of cables should I bring?
All of our projectors accept HDMI input. Some accept VGA. The venues do not support anything else.
I will be bringing my presentation on a USB drive…
If it is PowerPoint or PowerPoint-compatible we support that.
If it is Keynote on the Mac we can support this with some advance warning. Please use the schedule change survey to provide this warning.
If it is anything else we ask you to write us and prepare a sample file to test. This need not be the final presentation.
Can I test my presentation onsite?
We will have a laptop loaded with the software to be used for projection in each of the two venues.
Help! I forgot my cables!
We have a limited number of cables available, but cannot guarantee compatibility with every standard out there. We will do what we can, but encourage you to pack those cables now.
I need a microphone
All panel rooms will have table microphones.. The larger rooms will have roving or clip microphones available.
Can I count on there being wifi for my presentation?
While both venues have publicly available wifi, you should let us know if you need wifi for your presentation. Public wifi can fail, and we can arrange a reliable connection if requested.