Q: Is my donation tax-deductible?
A: No, our Irish business classification does not provide a tax benefit for donations.
Q: I will not be able to use my attending membership. How can I donate it to the FDF?
A: Email registrar@dublin2019.com and let them know you’d like to transfer your membership into the FDF pool.
Q: Will travel stipends be available to members other than programme participants?
A: At this time, travel stipends are only available to programme participants. However, if we raise sufficient funds through the FDF, we will investigate expanding travel stipends to people in the other categories. If you would like to be considered for programming, please submit the Programme Participant Query Form.
Q: If I receive a FDF assisted membership and it turns out that I cannot attend, can I give or sell my membership to another person?
A: FDF assisted memberships cannot be regifted or resold to others. If you are unable to use your membership, please contact fdf@dublin2019.com and your membership will be returned to the pool.
Q: If I give to the FDF, how will I know where my money is going?
A: All funds and memberships given to the FDF will be given to eligible people who apply for assistance according to the instructions on this page. We will provide general statistics about awards given, but all awards are confidential and recipient names will not be made public.
Q: How do I give to the Fantastic Dublin Fund?
A: Head over to the donation page – and thank you in advance!
Q: I have a question that isn’t answered here. How do I get more information?
A: Email us at fdf@dublin2019.com.