Detailed Travel Directions Between the CCD & Point Square

Detailed travel description between the CCD & Point Square

Here are detailed travel directions for going between the CCD and Point Square, with some additional accessibility information.

It’s a short walk, LUAS Red Line trip or Liffey Ferry ride (stop #1 is near the CCD and stop #3 is at the 3Arena, a block from Point Square).

CCD to Odeon/Point Square

Point Square consists of a large open area (the Warehouse) and is adjacent to the Odeon Cinema complex. Activities at the Point Square venues will focus on art, art-related and other creative activities, including the convention’s Art Show, plus art and comic books events and programming which will take advantage of the Odeon auditoriums’ sound and projector systems.

There will also be an Information Outpost with convention and city information.

Point Square/Warehouse is directly underneath the Odeon cinema next to a shopping centre which has several restaurants open for lunch and a Starbucks. The LUAS Red Line The Point stop leaves you off in front of Point Square and the Gibson Hotel. There are no barriers to accessibility between the LUAS stop and Point Square.

Dublin 2019 is using part of Point Square that’s one flight up from the street. There are two lifts/elevators next to the escalators to the left. Go up one floor to the 1st floor and get out. Note that the back of the lifts face the Warehouse entrance. So, you turn around to face that way and go.

If you are going to the Odeon follow the signs to the Odeon elevator.

Additional information about finding your way around Point Square will be added closer to the Worldcon.